Friday, October 16, 2009

Saturday Purchases

Okay so these are a few things I bought nearly 2 weeks ago! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while.... I have been studying for my French oral exam which I had today. Eeeeek. It was weird not posting for over a week, it felt like something was missing you know!

So here are the goodies..... I basically went out to buy a few warm things for Winter as it's getting colder here!


These 2 vest tops were like $2.50.... Bargain

I think these mittens are so cute and I love the colour!

I <3>

These boots are super comfy and warm, they have an insulated lining to keep my tootsies warm!

A List of Things I Got:
2 Vest Tops: Forever 21
White Top: Forever 21
Gloves: H&M
Checked Scarf: H&M
Plain Scarf:H&M
Boots: Lennys ( A shop in Vermont)


  1. Oh I love your outfit! looks really good on you :)

  2. Ooh super cute, I love the mitts gorgeous colour I just wish we had Forever 21 :)

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